November Reflection: 9/28 Anna’s Place 6.25 hours
Service Hours: 6.25
Cumulative Hours: 16.5 hours
Today was my return to Anna’s Place, the non-profit youth program affiliated with St. Anna’s Episcopal Church. First, I assisted with the initial setup. I cleaned the tables and then swept the floors. I arranged the cups in numerical and color order. Then, the kids arrived. I took over the distribution of cereal bowls for the latecomers.
I was officially assigned a group this time, the Green Group. This group consists of S. the charismatic guy who will continue to serve as the witty commentator. First session consisted of games.
I was informed by Ms. T that that day was going to be low key and had fewer formal programmed events. First session consisted of games. Then, I participated in another art project consisted of chocolate donut spiders and mandarin orange pumpkins.
I helped peel oranges for S. “I want to sit next to her, “ he said.
He is kind and generous and offered the art supplies, chocolate donuts, pretzel sticks, M&Ms, and celery. He offered the celery. I refused. The kids pleaded to watch the movie Coraline. I nominated Ratatouille.
Then, the kids participated in their usual art class, which today consists of collages. They glued pieces of colored paper. A the drawing pro showed two drawings she completed.
“C’mon, A” I said, “It’s Art class, your favorite,” I said, encouraging her to get in line to walk to Art class. Conform.
E. was in my group. He is so energetic, always beating on tables. He cannot sit still for long periods of time. Still, he was able to complete his collage. I asked him to please stop tilting the tables. For energetic E, every hard surface is an experimental drum that requires testing out the rhythm in his heart.
The experience was helpful to a future provider dealing with young patients and families. The female children demonstrated adult activities such as bullying and gossiping, which was not pleasant to observe. Female Passive-aggression starts young. They gave each other mean looks and “she said …. To me.” I didn’t want to depress them to let them know this will never end. It’s about being professional: there will always be mean people saying mean things about you. But remember Eleanor Roosevelt’s adage, No one can or should make you feel inferior without your permission.
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Word Count: 280+ words